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Showing posts from May, 2018

Explain - The Facebook Scandal

Hello and welcome to Explain, where i explain different topics. Today, we will be talking about the Facebook Scandal of 2018. The Facebook Scandal. Now if you have been living under a heavy rock for years or live on Mars, Facebook is a social networking site that was founded in 2004 and was ment to be only used by Cambridge University students. On September 26 2006, Facebook was opened to everybody who was 13 and had a valid email address. Soon, Facebook grew and grew and currently in 2018, 2 out of 7 people use Facebook every month (according to Facebook Newsroom) and has over $84 billion in assets. In March 2018, news outlets started to report on a scandal about a company called Cambridge Analytica and that they were using data from 87 million Facebook users to attempt to influence the political views and opinions of users to influence the 2016 US Presidential Election. During a testimony to Congress, Mark Zuckerberg admitted that in 2013, Aleksandr Kogan (a researc